Shadowrun Mob Master
Welcome to my Shadowrun GM Mob Master!

The GM Mob Master was created as a set of tools for Shadowrun game masters. It started as a way of generating extra NPCs for combat-heavy runs, and as a thought exercise in how to expand the list of grunts in the Core Rulebook to more situations. The intent was to include generators and lists that would make it easier for game masters to get mechanics out of the way and spend more time telling stories. My hope was that this will eventually make it easy for game masters to generate an entire session of entertainment with the click of a few buttons.

It is divided into several sections, all of which can be accessed by the buttons on the left. There is also a dice-simulator at the top to let you quickly simulate a fist-full of dice. Remember, as a GM you don't have to be honest with how many successes or failures you "rolled"...

This has also served as a creative outlet for programming for my own enjoyment. I have spent quite a few hours on this utility in the name of fun. There was never any intention of turning this into a money-generating enterprise. I don't want to deal with the legal or infrastructure headaches. Though if you happen to find me at a convention and want to say thanks, you can buy me a beer at GenCon. If you want to complain or sue me, I don't exist and don't attend GenCon. :D

On data-retention: I use a piece of web programming functionality called Local Storage that act a little bit like cookies. The data is stored in your browser's cache for you for that browser. I have to specify both of those because it's not shared to other users on your computer, nor even other browsers. It certainly isn't shared to other computers, and I don't have access to it at all. So if you spend the time to create and save a cast of shadow denizens, make sure you create it on the computer you're bringing to the game session. Or print them out, that works too!

As with many side projects, there is a whole list of things I want to add to this utility. There are plenty of features that I haven't had the time to add yet. Since I'm not getting paid to work on this, it only happens when I do have spare time that isn't being spent on other things. And there will eventually come a time that I wash my hands of this and let it sit on a shelf to die from neglect. It may not be a nice thing to say, but it's the truth. This utility isn't meant to be a replacement for the Shadowrun books, either. I make an assumption that users are familiar with the basics of Shadowrun, from what an Adept is to what constitutes a Mr. Johnson, and are able to look things up as needed, like specific equipment information. It is meant as a supplement and assistant, much like how HeroLab and Chummer make PC creation easier for runners. I will not try to make this fully comprehensive and cover every possible option. There are too many source books to keep up with and this isn't meant to be a replacement for sourcebooks.

Have fun with this tool! It is meant to be used and intended to make your life easier as a GM. Speaking of which, always try to offer your players the chance to make a deal with a dragon.

The Topps Company, Inc. has sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork, marks, photographs, sounds, audio, video and/or any proprietary matrial used in connection with the game Shadowrun.
The Topps Company, Inc. has granted permission to GM Mob Master to use such names, logos, artwork, marks and/or any proprietary materials for promotional and informational purposes on its website but does not endorse, and is not affiliated with this utility in any official capacity whatsoever.
Original content within GM Mob Master is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International. So if you use anything here, please give credit where it is due.
GM Mob Master is provided "as is" and no warranties or guarantees are provided or inferred. In no event shall the copyright holder or contributors be liable for damage however they are caused. Don't be a jerk!

The software version you are running does not match the stored data's version which will cause issues. Do you want to delete the local stored data and start from scratch?

Alternately, look at the stored data version and grab that version of code instead.

  • a
  • b
  • c
Welcome to your cast of shadows! You can edit tab names and rearrange them here.
Add tab:
Edit tabs:


Frequently Asked Questions & Functionally Annoying Quirks

This is a listing of questions that have been asked or other points of knowledge that are likely relevant to new users. This is also a collection of quirks and annoyances that have cropped up as part of turning a rulebook into an application.


This will remove all settings, NPCs, everything. It's the frag grenade in the china shop. Everything will be lost, nothing will be saved.

Minion Condition Monitor

Minions, by default, have a combined Condition Monitor based on their BODY and WILL scores. If you want your minions to have separate health tracks for Stun and Physical damage, make that change here.

Changes here will reflect on all minions created after this point. Any minions already existing will need to be edited individually.

Minion Wound Penalties

Minions normally suffer a die penalty of -1 per 3 full boxes on their condition monitor. This can be changed to every 2 boxes, every box, or even ignore wound penalties.

Changes here will reflect on all minions created after this point. Any minions already existing will need to be edited individually.

This option cannot be undone. Once you delete everything here, you'll have to start all over again. On the plus side, this is great if you want to make sure no hacker finds traces of your activities here.

The NPC Generator is the concept that kicked off the creation of these tools. Here, you can easily create a bunch of thugs to harass the party or a high-powered HTR team to flush them out of a corp building.
When generating a single NPC, there are several categories and overall options you can choose from or leave it all up to chance. After the NPC is created, you can save them in the Cast of Shadows section. They can also be edited both immediately or later. However, they are not saved until they have been added to the Cast of Shadows.
Generating a group of NPCs works similarly, defining only broad strokes here and letting you individually refine the NPCs later.
Generating one of the Special Types only happens if you choose the option for it.
These NPCs use the sample grunts in the Core Rulebook as guidelines. They aren't meant to be perfect nor even optimal. Attributes and skill ranks are an approximation of what I considered reasonably good for a given profession and power level. Feel free to take all of these with a grain of salt.
You do not have any denizens saved to your Cast of Shadows. Nothing to see here, move along.
This is a full list of all denizens that you have added to your Cast of Shadows.
Add NPC to tab:
Do you want to clone this NPC? This will generate a new clone without adding them to any cast tabs.
Are you sure you want to delete this character? Removing it here will also remove it from all other tabs. This is perma-death.
Do you want to clone this NPC? This will add the clone to all of the same tabs.
Are you sure you want to remove this character? This only removes the NPC from the current tab.
Remove this character from this tab? This character can still be found in the full cast.
Add this NPC to one of the existing tabs.
Add this NPC to a new tab.
Add these NPCs to one of the existing tabs.
Add these NPCs to a new tab.